在校时间:2010/09-2013/06 |
年级:2010级硕士研究生 |
所学专业:桥梁工程 |
指导老师:何旭辉教授 |
学历:博士研究生 |
学位:博士 |
工作单位:伟德betvlctor1946 |
职称:博士后 |
电子邮箱:349993977@qq.com |
》》 2006/09-2010/06 伟德betvlctor1946,土木工程,本科
》》 2010/09-2013/05 伟德betvlctor1946,土木工程,硕士
[1] 杨靖,何旭辉,冉瑞飞,姜超,高速铁路连续梁桥三分力系数的数值模拟分析,铁道科学与工程学报,2013,10(1):11-15.
[2] J. Yang, H. Ouyang and D. Stancioiu, Numerical studies of vibration of a four-span continuous plate with rails excited by a moving car with experimental validation, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2017, 17 (10) : 1750119.
[3] J. Yang, H. Ouyang*, D. Stancioiu, S.C. Cao and X.H. He, Experimental investigation of a four-span continuous plate structure subjected to two moving cars with speed varying in time, ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2018, 140 (6): 061002-061002-15.
[1] J. Yang, H. Ouyang and D. Stancioiu, An approach of solving moving load problems by Abaqus and Matlab using numerical modes, The 7th International Conference on Vibration Engineering. Shanghai, September 2015.
[2] J. Yang , H. Ouyang and D. Stancioiu, An approach of solving moving load problems with application to an experimental case, The 23 rd International Congress on Sound & Vibration . Athens, July 2016.