在校时间:2013/09-2018/12 |
年级:2013级博士研究生 |
所学专业:桥梁工程 |
指导老师:何旭辉教授 |
学历:博士 |
学位:工学博士 |
工作单位:重庆大学 |
职称:副教授 |
电子邮箱:shikang@cqu.edu.cn |
》》2010/09-2013/06 重庆交通大学,桥梁与隧道工程,硕士
》》2013/09-2018/12 伟德betvlctor1946,桥梁与隧道工程,博士
》》2017/02-2018/8 美国纽约州立大学布法罗分校,土木工程,联合培养
1.Xuhui He, Kang Shi,Teng Wu. An integrated structural health monitoring system for the Xijiang high-speed railway arch bridge. Smart Structures Systems, 2018, 21(5):611-621.
2.Xuhui He, Kang Shi,Teng Wu,Yunfeng Zou, Hanfeng Wang, Hongxi Qin. Aerodynamic performance of a novel wind barrier for train-bridge system. Wind and Structures,2016,23(3):171-189.
3.Xuhui He, Kang Shi,Teng Wu. An efficient analysis framework for high-speed train-bridge coupled vibration under nonstationary winds. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. 2020, 16(9): 1326-1346.
4.K.Shi, X.Q.Mo, H.Xu, Z.L.Wang, X.S. Hu, Y.B. Yang. Furthering extraction of torsional–flexural frequencies for thin-wall beams from the rocking motion of a two-wheel test vehicle, Thin-walled Structures, 2022(175): 109224.
5.K. Shi, X.S. Hu, X.Q. Mo, H. Xu, Z.L. Wang, W.R. Ma, Y.B. Yang. Theory for computing vehicle-rail contact responses from a multi-DOF test vehicle and detecting track modulus and rail damages, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2023, 121: 403-429.
6.K.Shi, X.H. He, Y.F. Zou, Z. Zheng. An efficient non-iterative hybrid method for analyzing train–rail–bridge interaction problems, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2020, 21(02): 2150029.
7.K. Shi, X.Q.Mo, H.Y. Wang, S.Y. Gao, Y.B. Yang, Analytical analysis of dynamic response of beam excited by a moving vehicle with general boundary condition, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2023.
8.K. Shi, S.Y. Gao, Y.B. Yang, Frequency identification for bridge with general boundary condition by using a moving test vehicle, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2023.
9.Y.B. Yang, K. Shi*, X.Q. Mo, Z.L. Wang, H. Xu, Y.T. Wu. Internal instability of thin-walled beams under harmonic moving loads, Thin-walled Structures, 2022, 174(11): 109123.
10.Y.B. Yang, X.Q. Mo, K. Shi*, Z.L. Wang, H. Xu, Y.T. Wu. Scanning torsional-flexural frequencies of thin-walled box girders with rough surface from vehicles’ residual contact response: Theoretical study, Thin-walled Structures, 2021, 169(1): 108332.
11.Y.B. Yang, K. Shi*, Z.L. Wang, H. Xu, Y.T. Wu. Theoretical study on a dual-beam model for detection of track/bridge frequencies and track modulus by a moving vehicle, Engineering Structures, 2021, 244(10): 112726.
12.Y.B. Yang, X.S. Hu, K. Shi*, X.Q. Mo, B. Zhang, Z.L. Wang, H. Xu. Damage detection for constituents of track-bridge systems from driving component of vehicle-rail contact response, Engineering Structures, 2022, 259(12): 114143.
1.Kang Shi, Xuhui He, Teng Wu. An efficient analysis framework for high-speed train-bridge coupled vibration under nonstationary track irregularities and winds. The international forum on high-speed railway, IFHR2017, Changsha, Dec 16-19 2017.
2.Xu-hui He, Kang Shi, Teng Wu. An integrated structural health monitoring system for the Xijiang high-speed railway arch bridge. Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics(ASEM17),Ilsan(Seoul), August 28-September 1, 2017.
3.Xuhui He, Kang Shi, Hongxi Qin, Yunfeng Zou. Health monitoring system for the high-speed railway x-arch bridge based on cloud computing. The 14th International Symposium on Structural Engineering, 12-14 October, 2016, Beijing China.