
学术报告:Fluid-Structure Interactions (FSI) of Built StructuresViolent Wind Storms

时间:2016-04-25 22:59   点击:   打印

报 告 人: 胡晖(Hu Hui) 教授,美国爱荷华州立大学(Iowa State University)

时 间: 2016年5月6日(周五)上午9:00

地 点: 伟德betvlctor1946铁道校区世纪楼14楼会议室


The recent research efforts in the speaker’s research group to characterize the fluid-structure interactions (FSI) of built structures with violent wind storms (i.e., tornadoes, downbursts and snow storms) will be introduced. By leveraging the large-scale tornado/microburst simulators available in the Department of Aerospace Engineering at Iowa State University, a series of experimental studies were conducted to quantify the flow characteristics of violent tornado-like/microburst-like surface wind and to assess the resultant wind loads acting on built structures on the ground (i.e., low-rise gable-roofed buildings, high-rise buildings and large-scale wind turbines) induced by violent tornado-like/microburst-like winds, in comparison with those sited in conventional straight-line atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) winds. In addition to measuring the surface pressure distributions to determine the resultant wind loads acting on the test models, a digital particle image velocimetry system was also used to conduct detailed flow field measurements to reveal the wake vortex and turbulent flow structures around the test models. The flow field measurements were correlated with the measured surface pressure distributions and the resultant wind loads acting on the building models to elucidate the underlying physics of flow-structure interactions between the violent wind storms and the built structures on the ground in order to provide more accurate prediction of the damage potentials of the violent wind storms. Wind turbine icing represents the most significant threat to the integrity of wind turbines in cold weather. Comprehensive experimental investigations were performed in the Icing Research Tunnel available at Iowa State University (ISU-IRT) to quantify the transient behavior of wind-driven surface water film/rivulet flows and dynamic ice accreting process over the surfaces of wind turbine blade models at different icing conditions. The findings derived from the icing physics studies can be used to improve current icing accretion models for more accurate prediction of ice formation and accretion on wind turbine blades and to develop effective anti-/de-icing strategies for safer and more efficient operation of wind turbines in cold weather.


Dr. Hui Hu is a Professor and Associate Chair for Graduate Education at Department of Aerospace Engineering of Iowa State University. Dr. Hu’s recent research interests include wind energy and wind turbine aeromechanics; aircraft icing physics and anti-/de-icing technology; film cooling, trailing edge cooling and thermal management of gas turbines; unsteady aerodynamics and bio-inspired aerodynamic design of micro-air-vehicles (MAVs); micro-flows and micro-scale heat transfer in microfluidics or “Lab-on-a-Chip” devices; fluid-structure interactions of built structures in violent winds such as tornados, microbursts and snow storms. Dr. Hu received several prestigious awards in recent years, including 2006 NSF-CAREER Award, 2007 Best Paper in Fluid Mechanics Award (Measurement Science and Technology, IOP Publishing), 2009 AIAA Best Paper Award in Applied Aerodynamics, 2012 Mid-Career Achievement in Research Award of Iowa State University, 2013 AIAA Best Paper Award in Ground Testing Technology, and 2014 Renewable Energy Impact Award of Iowa Energy Center. Further information about Dr. Hu’s technical background and recent research activities is available at:http://www.aere.iastate.edu/~huhui